How to send us a biography ?

1. Text of the biography – one biography per person, group biography not accepted.

To send in a single Word file, with a title, for instance BENICHOU MICHEL – Biography.

Important: DO NOT send the biography in PDF format. The file must include only text, no photos: photos must be sent separately.

2. Photos

Give a title in lowercase letters to each photo file. The title you give will be the one that will appear automatically on the photo on the site.

When a photo shows several persons, indicate for each of them their names and where they are on the photo in parentheses. Ex: David Benichou (3rd left), Delphine Samla (1st right)

It is useless to give a separate list of titles of photos, only the name of the photo file will be automatically included as the title on the site.

3. Information

Some important information are used to classify biographies in order to facilitate their search. It is crucial to provide us with the list of these information separately (even if some of them are already written in the text of the biography). Simply copy and paste the list below and complete it after removing the examples:

  • Dates: 1929-1986
  • City of birth: VERSAILLES (FRANCE)
  • City of arrest: PARIS (FRANCE)
  • Arrested at the age of: 42
  • Contributor(s): Claude Dupont, Cécile Marchal

To send in a single Word file with a title, for instance BENICHOU MICHEL – Information.

4. Sources and Links

SOURCES from textual references (without a link to a web page) must be distinguished from LINKS clickable to web pages. Just list the sources and links separately as below:


  1. Source : AJPN
  2. Source : Archives départementales et AJPN
  3. 01/03/1942 Aix-les-Bains, surveillance de la colonie juive. Lettre du Préfet au Maire. Archives départementales de la Savoie 1382W 199 « […] Je vous demande de soumettre la Colonie juive d’Aix-les-Bains à une surveillance spéciale des plus attentive, dès l’ouverture de la saison. »



To send in a single Word file with a title, for instance BENICHOU MICHEL – Sources and links

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