1927-1944 | Naissance: | Arrestation: | Résidence:



Sarah KOURORIEZ‘s biography is available in French version.

Its translation into English is in progress.


English translation proposed by Hanaë :

Abraham Kouroriez, sometimes called Léon Abraham, was born on the 7 May 1887 in Kiev, in Russia. His mother is Sarah Kropotintziks and his father is Zacharie Kouroriez. He comes in France at the 33 street des Jardins Saint Paul to Paris. He is getting married a first time with Freide Gorosh and they got one child, Jules, born on the 27 July 1916. Abraham is then a typographic printer. Thanks to this marriage, he becomes french by naturalization on the 12 June 1928, what is published in the Journal officiel on the 24 June 1928. But Freide dies at an unknown date. On The 14 June 1930, Abraham is getting married for a second time with Joche Tadc’Aite in Paris. Joche is lituanian and jewish , born on the 18 February 1898 to Balkinai to the north of Vilnius. At her marriage she has already lived with Abraham at the 33 street des Jardins Saint Paul and without a job. This marriage allows her to obtain french nationality too. When they get married, they have already had 3 children whom they recognize: Sarah, Simon, Marcel. Sarah was born on the 8 September 1927 at the 19 bis rue Chaligny in Paris (Abraham is recognized as her father in 1930), Simon was born on 6 January 1936 in Paris in the 12e borough, Marcel was born on 9 December 1928 in Paris, at the 6 rue d’Ormesson (Joche is recognized as his mother in 1930)].


English translation proposed by Thomas :

Adolf Hitler is declared chancellor in 1933. This year marked the arrival at the power of the nazi party. He set up a racist system and anti-Semitism in Germany, with measures like the port of the yellow star imposed for the jews, the setting up of ghettos, and many interdictions like the public places… Germany decided, to make sure a « life space », to invade Poland, on the 1st of September 1939. France, by alliance, decided to defend Poland and enter the war against Germany, the 3rd September 1939. But Germany took a strategy of « Blitzkrieg » (« guerre-éclair ») and invaded all the North of France. She is cut in two until the beginning of the year 1942: the free zone led by Philippe Pétain in the South and the occupied zone directed by Adolf Hitler in the North. Philippe Pétain proclaims at the radio in 1940 his will to share the ideas of the racist and anti-Semitism nazi system and he capitulates and begins a collaboration with the nazi party. The French Jews and the strangers in the french floor are threatened and many internment camps are created like the camp of Drancy. The deportees are then moved in concentration camps and in killing centers like Auschwitz-Birkenau].


Yanis, Anton, Hugo, Angélina, Tierno, Laly, Lilou, Allycia, Maëlia, Matias D., Senzo, Garance, Imran, Mélina, Mathis, Emma, ​​Louis, Thomas, Maelle, Hanaë, Jade, Mila, Mathias V., Zikhar in 3rd Queen, school year 2023-2024, Collège Fernand-Léger, Vierzon (18100), with their history-geography teacher, Ms. Mahieu.

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