1894-1944 | Naissance: | Arrestation: | Résidence:


Nahama Sadicaris was born in Thessaloniki on 8-3-1894. His father was Isaac Sadicaris and his mother was Rachelle Tavette. He emigrated to Paris in 1920 and served in the Foreign Legion from 28-1-1920 to 28-4-1925. In 1925-1926 he did his military service in Greece.

On 20-4-1929 he married Esther Abou (born in Istanbul 5-4-1904). Her father was Rachel Abou, and her mother was Suzanne Tchiprout. Esther Abou from 1-12-1925 was a naturalized French citizen.

Nahama Sadicaris and Esther Abou had 6 children:

  1. Jacques (born 4-6-1930)
  2. Rachel (born 8-2-1932)
  3. Suzanne (born 24-1-1934)
  4. Julie (born 17-5-1936) – this child died 2 months after birth 29-7-1936
  5. Sarah (born 26-3-1940)
  6. Helene (born 16-5-1943)

On 26-11-1930 he became a French citizen.

His profession was a street vendor. In 1928 he worked at La Tolerie Industrielle. His home address in France until 1930 was “Rue de Bulets,127”. After his marriage the family lived to Rue Charles Lauth 18, Paris 18eme.

On 22-2-1943 The Ministry of Justice checks the legality of its naturalization. On 17-8-1943 Decision of the Ministry of Justice that he is not undesirable in the country and that his naturalization is legal.

On 7-7-1944 he was arrested in rue de Sedaine, Paris and he was transferred to Drancy’s camp and from there to Auschwitz where he died on 5-8-1944.

His wife died on 28-2-1993. At the request of his daughter Rachel Sadicaris, he was awarded the designation “mort en deportation” on 13-3-1995.

Rachel Sadicaris’s address was:
Rue Francois Couperin, 8
95320 Saint Leu La Foret

Rachel Sadicaris died on 30-5-2009

Rachel Sadicaris’ son lives in Belgium as well as several members of the Sadicaris family. Helene is alive, but unfortunately, she is not able to give us any more information.`


Read the text written by Karine, Nahama SADICARIS’s granddaughter.


Biography produced by the students of the 1st Gymnasium of Ampelokipi-Odysseas Elytis (Greece), supervised by their teacher, Ms. Papachristou.

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