Lors de la Journée mondiale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de la Shoah, deux classes qui participent au projet Convoi 77 ont présenté leurs travaux à la Mairie de Paris.For the commemoration day of Shoah's victims, pupils from two high schools participating at Convoi 77 project explained their...
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Our news
- A Partnership agreement between Convoy 77 and the French Ministry of Higher Education 28/11/2023
- You are working on Convoy 77 project ? You can submit an application for the European call for projects from HISTOLAB 13/11/2023
- An original transdisciplinary project at Metz 25/08/2023
- Students from lycée Raymond Cortat of Aurillac awarded 21/08/2023
- A new european program to combat antisemitism 23/05/2023