1926-1944 | Naissance: | Arrestation: | Résidence: ,


Maurice MITELMAN was born on October 19, 1926 in the 14th district of Paris, France. He was the son of Abraham (Abram) Mitelman (born in Zarnowice/Zarnoweo, Poland, on September 3, 1896) and Malka Fejga Szor (born in Dubienka, Poland, on May 23, 1895), who were married on March 4, 1926 in the 5th district of Paris. He had two younger brothers: Félix, born in Paris on July 8, 1933, and Simon, born in Paris on April 28, 1936.

On June 10, 1940, Maurice sought refuge in Clermont-Ferrand, in the Puy-de-Dôme department of France, together with his parents and brothers. The family lived in an apartment at 2 bis, rue Villiet. He went to the Amédée Gasquet high school.

On June 23, 1944, Maurice and his father were arrested at their home by Gestapo and militia agents and then taken to the premises of the German Employment Office (Arbeits-Einsatzstabes) at 16, place Delille. On July 13, they were sent to Drancy camp, from where they were deported to Auschwitz on July 31.

Sources viewed at the Puy-de-Dôme Departmental Archives:

66 W 1245, 66 W 29 n°1420, 68 W 31, 277 W 101-114-115,  277 W 115, 368 W 52, 900 W 63, 902 W 376, 908 W 192, 1570 W 2, 2330 W82

Research work carried out by 11th grade students from class ES1 at the Ambroise Brugière High School in Clermont-Ferrand (Allan Bulidon, Célia Couleaud, Vincent Debray, Léa Dexarcis, Clotilde Fernez, Mathilde Grivel, Clément Haffner) with the guidance of Mr. Frédéric Jarrousse (their history-geography teacher), during the 2016/2017 school year.



Mr. Frédéric Jarrousse (history and geography teacher) and his 11th grade students from class ES1 at the Ambroise Brugière High School in Clermont-Ferrand: Allan Bulidon, Célia Couleaud, Vincent Debray, Léa Dexarcis, Clotilde Fernez, Mathilde Grivel and Clément Haffner.

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