Waldemar BETTER

1898-1944 | Naissance: | Arrestation: | Résidence:

Waldemar BETTER

One of the last people to be deported to Auschwitz

Waldemar Better was born on August 1, 1898, in Zablocie, Poland. He was the son of Adèle Schlesinger and Jacob Better. On November 6, 1934, he married Gittel Liebermann. On November 8, 1943, she gave birth to their son, Claude Albert. Waldemar and his wife lived in Paris. He was a Jewish storekeeper who had been living in France for nearly twenty years.


The Better family tree


On July 4, 1944 Waldemar was arrested in Nice. Seven militiamen broke down the door of the apartment where he was staying. Some of the neighbours and Mrs Better witnessed the scene. The militiamen requisitioned various personal belongings. When he arrived at Drancy camp, he was in possession of seventeen thousand francs, a signet ring, a gold key, a baby’s brooch (which was returned to him), two gold medals, one of which had precious stones in it, some gold coins and a chain with three charms. He was deported to the Auschwitz killing center on July 31, 1944. He probably died there soon after he arrived.



On June 27, 1950, Waldemar Better was declared missing by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and Victims of War. During his absence, several people had initiated searches to find out what had happened to him. His family members were key players in piecing together the circumstances of his disappearance. Among them, Gittel Better, his wife, and Claude Better, his son, sent letters to the Ministry of Prisoners and Deportees. They asked for all available information on multiple occasions.



The project was carried out by the 9th grade students at the Léon Boujot junior high school in Porto-Vecchio with the guidance of Ms Bechard and Ms Duborget, in 2023.

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