1899 - 1944 | Naissance: | Arrestation: | Résidence: ,

Translated from the biography established by the AFMD (Friends of the Foundation for the Memory of Deportation from the Allier Department):


Lucy Fortuné LUBETZKI née LÉVY was born on February 13, 1899 in her parents’ home at n° 25 rue Lafayette in the ninth district of Paris. Her father Isaac LÉVY was an industrial engineer, and her mother Mathilde née WEIL was a housewife. Lucy married Albert LUBETZKI on November 24, 1925 in Paris’s 5th district, and they had two children, Jacques and Janine.
In 1942 her husband Albert, a Doctor and Commandant in the Paris Garde Républicaine, was suspended without pay, and the family sought refuge at Nice in the Alpes-Maritimes department.
According to the Billy Municipal Archives the LUBETZKI family arrived in Billy (Allier department) on March 15, 1944 and took up residence on the rue des Remparts.
(Source for the document below: Billy Municipal Archives)
Lucy LUBETZKI and her husband were arrested on June 23, 1944 by the POINSOT Brigade of the French police and then released on the 27th. On June 28th they were summoned to the offices of the Gestapo and held prisoner.
They were first interned in Vichy, where their children, arrested by the Gestapo on July 7th in Billy, joined them. They were transferred to the Mal-Coiffée German military prison in Moulins (Allier department), and finally transported on July 14, 1944 to Drancy.
On July 31, 1944 they were deported from Drancy to Auschwitz in convoy n° 77.
In  Le Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France, Serge Klarsfeld writes about convoy n° 77: “The number of deportees was 1300. This convoy 77 (…) hauled toward the Auschwitz gas chambers more than 300 children under the age of 18. (…) 291 men were selected with I.D. numbers B 3673 to B 3963; the same for 283 women (A 16457 to A 16739). In 1945 there were 209 survivors, of whom 141 were women”.
She died on October 15, 1944 at Auschwitz according to the public records of Billy and of Paris’s 9th district, and the Journal Officiel n° 251 of October 26, 2008.
“Died for France”
Her name figures on the Billy War Memorial Monument.
(Photo: AFMD of the Allier department)
“Died in deportation” according to the decree of the State Defense Secretariat dated September 16, 2008 and published in the Journal Officiel n° 251 of October 26, 2008.
– Archives of the Allier Department 1864 W 1, 1580 W 9, 996 W 123.02,
– Archives of the Puy-de-Dôme Department 908 W 237
– Family archives
– Municipal Archives of Billy (Allier department)
– Contemporary Jewish Documentation
– Public Records Bureau of Paris’s 9th district and of Billy (Allier department)
– Klarsfeld, Serge: List of transfers to Drancy
– Klarsfeld, Serge: Memorial to the Jews Deported from France: 1942-1944  1978
MemorialGenWeb  Internet site
– Our thanks to Henri Breux, town councillor of Billy, for his help.[:pl]


Extrait de la biographie réalisée par l’AFMD (Amis de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation de l’Allier):
LUBETZKI née LÉVY Lucy Fortuné est née le 13 février 1899 au domicile de ses parents 25, rue Lafayette à Paris (9ème). Son père Isaac est ingénieur des arts et manufactures et sa mère Mathilde née WEIL est sans profession.Elle épouse Albert LUBETZKI le 24 novembre 1925 à Paris (5ème) et ils ont deux enfants, Jacques et Janine.
En 1942 son mari Albert, Médecin-Commandant de la Garde Républicaine de Paris, étant mis en congé sans solde, la famille se réfugie dans les Alpes-Maritimes à Nice […]
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