Odette STERNCHUSS (1940-1944) ...
Biographies de Déportés
Biography of Fanny Marthe LUZZATO, née WEIL (1882-1944) Simone ZIMBARDI, M1 Archives 2017/2018, Student N°: 17806882, under the...
Charlotte LEWIN (1926-2016) Charlotte LEWIN in 1942 Source : FINGER Blanche , KAREL William Karel, La Rafle du Vel d’Hiv…...
Alexandre VORONOFF Presentation of the project Convoi 77 is a project seeking to establish the biographies of...
Moïse BEHAR Moise BEHAR was born on May 6, 1871 in Cairo, Egypt and died on August 4, 1944...
Dr. Lilli SEGAL Lilli Segal was born on June 7, 1913 in Berlin as Lilli Schlesinger and she died...
Bernard GOLDSTEIN Project carried out by the students in the 9th grade at the Michel Richard Delalande Junior High...
Biography of Alfred FRITZ ——————————————————————————— Für unsere deutschsprachigen Leser: Die Biografie ist unterhalb der englischen Version auch auf deutsch...
Alice HERZER Biography documented and written by Evelina Graffmann, Hannah Knorr, Charlotte Roth, Rabea Schalinski, Hannah Weber (students of the class of Mr Becker,...
Hugo HERZER Biography documented and written by Pauline Baumeister, Marie-Luise Sutor, Sophie Vandrey, Marlene Wessel (students of the class of Mr Becker, religion teacher),...
Claude BLOCH This biography, prepared by Jeanne Gautier, a student at the René Goscinny high school in Warsaw, has...
Léa GRYCMAN Léa (nicknamed Louisette, most probably on the right of the photo) and Nanette Grycman, deported in Convoy...
Nanette GRYCMAN Nanette Grycman and her elder sister Léa (nicknamed Louisette, most probably on the right of the...
Biography of Tauba GOLDSTEIN born in Copenhagen Carried out by the 10th-grade students of the Prins Henrik French high...
Kasriel JOFFE This biography is reproduced from the book by Alexandre Doulut and Sandrine Labeau entitled “Les 473...
Julius or Joël KORONCZYK —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Für unsere deutschsprachigen Leser: Die Biographie ist unterhalb der französischen Version auch auf deutsch verfügbar. ...
Abram MITTELMAN Abraham or Abram MITTELMAN, born on September 3, 1896 in Zarnowice (Zarnoweo), Poland, was the son of...
Josué YAKAR Josué YAKAR was born on August 15, 1882 in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). 1881 is also found...
Simon POLITANSKI Chia Simon POLITANSKI was born on December 14, 1894 in Muegow, Poland. Other places of birth,...
Raphaël CARACO This work was carried out by students in the 12th grade at the Cité Scolaire Internationale...
Lastest biographies
Our news
- A Partnership agreement between Convoy 77 and the French Ministry of Higher Education 28/11/2023
- You are working on Convoy 77 project ? You can submit an application for the European call for projects from HISTOLAB 13/11/2023
- An original transdisciplinary project at Metz 25/08/2023
- Students from lycée Raymond Cortat of Aurillac awarded 21/08/2023
- A new european program to combat antisemitism 23/05/2023