Huguette CHEMLA, 1931 – 1944 INTRODUCTION First of all, we would like to thank Mr. Richard Avizrat, who lives...
Biographies de Déportés
Lucienne BERNARD, 1922-1944 About us We are a group of six 12th grade students from the Galilée high...
Vida Beniacar, née Vidah Bensignor, 1886 – 1944 A few comments… Unlike our fellow students, we were lucky enough to...
Denise BERNARD, 1926-1944 About us We are a group of six 12th grade students from the Galilée high...
Gilbert CHEMLA, 1934 – 1944 —————————————————— لقراءة هذه السيرة بالعربية يرجى النقر هنا —————————————————– INTRODUCTION First of all, we...
Pinhas Robert CHEMLA, 1929 – 1944 —————————————————— لقراءة هذه السيرة بالعربية يرجى النقر هنا —————————————————– INTRODUCTION Nous tenions...
Bernard BERKOWICZ, 1932 – 1944 Photograph of Bernard Berkowicz, found by Richard Niderman among the belongings of his brother,...
Frieda KOHN, née Fradel WAGNER 1894 – 1944 Portrait of Frieda and her husband Frieda’s missing persons certificate...
Suzanne BORUCKI, 1926 – 1991 This biography was produced by the students of the “Memories of the Shoah” club...
Victor KOHN, 1901 – 1944 Portrait of Victor and Frieda Kohn Victor...
Kurt Siegfried Hagenauer (1921, Allemagne – 1985, France) also known as Claude Haguenauer Für unsere deutschsprachigen Leser*innen: Die Biografie...
Roger WEILL, 1924 – 1945 Photograph from the Shoah Memorial in Paris. Reference: MXII_2558.jpg; Source: Shoah Memorial in Paris,...
RAPHAËLLE CHELBLUNS, 1926 – 1944 Raphaëlle Chelbluns, or Chelblum (the spelling varies depending on documents), whose family preferred to...
Donna ELMALE, 1928 – 1944 The Elmale family: Despite her passing, she lives on through our stories Introduction We are...
Nissim ELMALE, 1891 – 1944 The Elmale family: Despite her passing, she lives on through our stories Introduction We are...
Renée ELMALE, 1928 – 1944 The Elmale family: Despite her passing, she lives on through our stories Introduction We...
Fanny GARREAUD, née AZENSTARCK Introduction We are students who are part of a workgroup called “Schüler gegen...
Cadok DAWIDZON Our names are Anna, Kaja, Judyta, Kacper and Katarzyna. We are students in the literature stream at the...
Lison Bloch For this biographical work, we have chosen to focus on the journey of two people from Convoy...
Augustine WOLFF, born WITTGENSTEIN The “Convoy 77” project, in collaboration with the European Union. Birth Augustine Wolff, maiden name...
Lastest biographies
Our news
- A Partnership agreement between Convoy 77 and the French Ministry of Higher Education 28/11/2023
- You are working on Convoy 77 project ? You can submit an application for the European call for projects from HISTOLAB 13/11/2023
- An original transdisciplinary project at Metz 25/08/2023
- Students from lycée Raymond Cortat of Aurillac awarded 21/08/2023
- A new european program to combat antisemitism 23/05/2023