Martha SCHMELZER Martha SCHMELZER’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Biographies de Déportés
Abraham KAPLAN Abraham KAPLAN’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Sommer GINZBURG Sommer GINZBURG’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Marguerite HERSCHER Marguerite HERSCHER’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Cécile ALLOUCHE Cecile ALLOUCHE’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Kalman Weiss Kalman WEISS’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Wolf ANTABA Wolf ANTABA’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Wigdor LACHMAN Wigdor LACHMAN’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Maurice EJLENBERG Maurice EJLENBERG’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Rosa EJLENBERG Rosa EJLENBERG’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Michel Marius NORDON (1898 à 1944) Michel Marius NORDON’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English...
Henriette ALLOUCHE Henriette ALLOUCHE’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Wolf FAKTOR Wolf FAKTOR’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Abraham LUSZCZANOWSKI, dit Norbert MARTEL Abraham LUSZCZANOWSKI’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is...
Jeannine AKOUN Jeanine AKOUN’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is in progress.
Alice Lévy-Sée (née Dreyfus) Alice Levy-See’s biography is available in French version. Its translation into English is...
Nelly LINDNER, née MITTELCHSTEIN The 20th century, known in historiography as the “century of extremes” or the “century of...
Gisèle APEL “We have not forgotten here either” was the theme that Damien Bressolles, a history and geography teacher...
Joseph APEL “We have not forgotten here either” was the theme that Damien Bressolles, a history and geography teacher...
Edouard WAJNRYB As part of an experiment involving passing on the memory of Holocaust victims, which is usually done...
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