The “Memorial to the Deportation of Jews from France”, a colossal publication by the Klarsfeld couple, is now available online. The contents of this exceptionally large book, measuring 25 x 13 inches (60 x 34 cm), and weighing 15 pounds (7kg), which lists the names of the Jews deported,...
Félix Degenszajn, child survivor of the Holocaust: “All my life I have wondered what happened that day”
Felix Degenszajn, now 84, has been looking for answers ever since the end of the war. His questions are focused on one day in July 1944. Aged 8 at the time, he was staying at the Lucien de Hirsch private school on Avenue Secrétan, in the 19th district of...
27 January 2021 – Projects from France and abroad honored
Liste des établissements sélectionnés – Établissements situés en France (Travaux classés par académie et par département) : Académie : Aix-Marseille Département : Bouches-du-Rhône Commune : Marseille (XVème arrondissement) Etablissement : Collège « Elsa-Triolet » (REP+) Niveau de classe : 3ème Nombre d’élèves : 20 élèves Enseignante : Mme Morgane BOUTANT (histoire-géographie) Année scolaire : 2019-2020 Biographie :...
Presentation of the project at Skopje
Le responsable des relations avec les enseignants de l'association, Serge Jacubert, a animé un séminaire de formation à Skopje, en Macédoine du Nord. On december, Serge Jacubert, head of relations with teachers for Convoi 77 association, gave a lecture during a training seminar at Skopje.
Take part in our international meeting in 2021!
Les porteurs des plus beaux projets réalisés depuis 2016 par des classes de 10 pays dans le cadre du « Projet International Convoi 77 » seront reçu au Palais de l’Élysée par le Président de la République Française, en 2021.The leaders of the most outstanding projects undertaken since 2016 by...
In Warsaw, a seminar on teaching the Shoah in France
A seminar dedicated to the Second Word War in France and the work of the Convoi 77 association took place in Warsaw, Poland, on October 16th and 17th, with around 70 people attending, mainly online. The Warsaw Centre for Socio-Educational Innovation and Training (WCIES) organised the event with the...
Presentation at the Sorbonne about the Convoi 77 project
Notre coordinatrice en Pologne, Aleksandra Engler-Malinowska, a présenté le projet européen Convoi 77 à la Sorbonne lors du symposium European remembrance.Aleksandra Engler-Malinowska, coordinator of our project in Poland, introduced Convoi 77 association at la Sorbonne during the 8th symposium of "European remembrance" project.
Award ceremony at the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews, in Warsaw
Les élèves du lycée français de Varsovie ont reçu des diplômes pour leur travail dans le cadre du projet européen Convoi 77, au Musée Polin, en présence de nombreux représentants officiels.Pupils from French high school received diplomas from officials at Polin Museum of Warsaw for their Convoi 77 project...
Miramas’ pupils submitted their project through a theatre show
Les élèves de 1re L du lycée Jean Cocteau à Miramas (Bouches-du-Rhône) ont présenté une restitution théâtrale de leur projet de classe intitulée « Le 77e convoi ».Pupils from high school at Miramas, in the south of France, submitted their historical investigation about Francis Reiss, deported in convoy 77,...
New partnership with eTwinning France
Ce partenariat permet à des classes de différents pays européens de travailler de concert sur la biographie d’un déporté du convoi 77.Pupils from different countries can work together on a biography thanks to a dedicated virtual space on eTwinning.
Ceremony in memory of Sephardim deported from France
L’association Convoi 77 était présente à la cérémonie en mémoire des 5 300 déportés Judéo-Espagnols le 13 juin dernier, au Mémorial de la Shoah. Convoi 77 association attended the ceremony in memory of the 5 300 Sephardim deported from France at the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris.
Presentation of a recorded project at Athis-Mons
Les 3e du collège Delalande d’Athis-Mons ont présenté des captations sonores, créées à partir de leur enquête historique sur les enfants de la famille Bender.Pupils from middle school Delalande at Athis-Mons presented some recordings of their historical investigation about Bender family.
Meeting with UE ambassadors in Israel
Le président de l'association Convoi 77 a présenté l'état d'avancement du projet aux ambassadeurs de l'Union européenne en Israël. Convoi 77's president met UE ambassador in Israel.
Two projects at Paris City Hall
Lors de la Journée mondiale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de la Shoah, deux classes qui participent au projet Convoi 77 ont présenté leurs travaux à la Mairie de Paris.For the commemoration day of Shoah's victims, pupils from two high schools participating at Convoi 77 project explained their...
First price from Foundation Ernest and Claire Heilbronn to a project
Le 7 mars, à Paris, la Fondation Ernest et Claire Heilbronn, accueillie par le Mémorial de la Shoah, a distingué le travail d’une classe de 3e qui participait au projet Convoi 77.On march the 7th, Ernest and Claire Heilbronn Foundation awarded a class project participating at Convoi 77 project....
Testimonies at Sciences Po
Yvette Lévy et Daniel Urbejtel, rescapés du convoi 77, ont témoigné à Sciences Po devant un parterre d’étudiants et d’invités extérieurs.Yvette Lévy and Daniel Urbejtel, survivors from convoy 77, told their stories for Sciences Po's students.
Embassy of France, 19 Ambassadors for the Project Convoi 77
Yesterday, the “European Project Convoi 77” initiated by Georges Mayer was officially launched at the Maison de France in the presence of 19 Ambassadors and foreign Embassy Representatives in Israel. The Convoy 77 was one of the last convoys to leave Drancy on July 31, 1944, to Auschwitz. In...
Day of remembrance of genocides and crimes against humanity, CONVOY 77, discussion with students involved
Day of remembrance of genocides and crimes against humanity, CONVOY 77, discussion with students involved.
Day of remembrance of genocides and crimes against humanity, focus on CONVOY 77 in 2017
High school students are invited, within the frame of the European project convoi 77, to conduct historical research on the last large convoy that left Drancy, in the suburbs of Paris, for Auschwitz, on 31 July 1944. Documents, testimonies and any relevant piece of information are gathered to reconstitute...
Day of memory of genocide and prevention of crimes against Humanity[:pl] Day of the memory of genocide and the prevention of crimes against Humanity Najat Vallaud – English subtitles
Georges Mayer – Najat Vallaud Belkacem
Lastest biographies
Our news
- A Partnership agreement between Convoy 77 and the French Ministry of Higher Education 28/11/2023
- You are working on Convoy 77 project ? You can submit an application for the European call for projects from HISTOLAB 13/11/2023
- An original transdisciplinary project at Metz 25/08/2023
- Students from lycée Raymond Cortat of Aurillac awarded 21/08/2023
- A new european program to combat antisemitism 23/05/2023