Joseph FRANCO Biographie of Joseph René Franco, his life on the line Joseph Franco was born in 1888 in...
Émile SMADJA This biography was written by Lucile Etienne, with the guidance of Denis Baud, her history teacher at...
Israel (Henri) KRENGEL This biography was written by students from the Maria Konopnicka High School in Włocławek, Poland. Chapter...
Jules BRAUNSCHWEIG, 1889 – 1976 Jules Braunschweig’s birth record, since we do not have a photo of him....
Zakia CHEMLA, née KALIFA, 1898 – 1944 INTRODUCTION First of all, we would like to thank Mr. Richard Avizrat,...
Georgette CHEMLA, 1940-1944 INTRODUCTION First of all, we would like to thank Mr. Richard Avizrat, who lives in Israel,...
Huguette CHEMLA, 1931 – 1944 INTRODUCTION First of all, we would like to thank Mr. Richard Avizrat, who lives...
Gilbert CHEMLA, 1934 – 1944 —————————————————— لقراءة هذه السيرة بالعربية يرجى النقر هنا —————————————————– INTRODUCTION First of all, we...
Pinhas Robert CHEMLA, 1929 – 1944 —————————————————— لقراءة هذه السيرة بالعربية يرجى النقر هنا —————————————————– INTRODUCTION Nous tenions...
Kurt Siegfried Hagenauer (1921, Allemagne – 1985, France) also known as Claude Haguenauer Für unsere deutschsprachigen Leser*innen: Die Biografie...
Roger WEILL, 1924 – 1945 Photograph from the Shoah Memorial in Paris. Reference: MXII_2558.jpg; Source: Shoah Memorial in Paris,...
Fanny GARREAUD, née AZENSTARCK Introduction We are students who are part of a workgroup called “Schüler gegen...
Cadok DAWIDZON Our names are Anna, Kaja, Judyta, Kacper and Katarzyna. We are students in the literature stream at the...
Augustine WOLFF, born WITTGENSTEIN The “Convoy 77” project, in collaboration with the European Union. Birth Augustine Wolff, maiden name...
Zlata WALDBERG-DAWIDZON Our names are Anna, Kaja, Judyta, Kacper and Katarzyna. We are students in the literature stream...
Jeanne Haas, née Ulmann Photo from the Shoah Memorial in Paris Introduction Have you ever wanted time to pass more quickly?...
Louise Caraco Before the war Louise Cadoum Caraco, maiden name Alcabez, was born on April 22, 1911, in Lyon....
Eva ISRAEL, born JOSEPH Photo from the Victims of Contemporary Conflicts Archives Division of the Ministry of Defense Historical...
Eliette MEYER (1904-1944) Eliette Meyer ©Claude Bloch family archives As part of the Devoir de Mémoire (“Duty...
Roger LEHMANN The image below is a reproduction of a photo of Roger Lehmann, sent by...
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Our news
- A Partnership agreement between Convoy 77 and the French Ministry of Higher Education 28/11/2023
- You are working on Convoy 77 project ? You can submit an application for the European call for projects from HISTOLAB 13/11/2023
- An original transdisciplinary project at Metz 25/08/2023
- Students from lycée Raymond Cortat of Aurillac awarded 21/08/2023
- A new european program to combat antisemitism 23/05/2023